Thursday, February 18, 2010


I can feel it, and I notice it all the time. I'm getting more mature. I've always been pretty grown up, a little ahead of people my age, but lately I've started to actually feel like an adult.

Part of it is my self control. I've been in some really stressful situations in the past couple of months, and instead of panicking, I've been just handling it. I've realized that panicking doesn't do anything but make things worse. I choose not to stress, and I deal with the problem at hand.

Other self control things have been that I used to be a great procrastinator, and even though I still push things off sometimes, it now resembles prioritization. I deal with the most important things at hand, and then I take care of other things down my list. Even if it's something that I don't want to do, I just do it. It has to get done, and I might as well get it over with.

A lot of the changes have been subconscious, but other things have been intentional decisions. I've begun budgeting. I pay much more attention to the things that I spend my money on, and I consider the payments that I need to be making. I'm almost out of the small amount of debt I had accumulated, and I'm catching up on some other things as well.

Clothing was another choice; Before I buy, I think, "Would a professional wear this?" Not that I dress for the office all the time, but my purchases look less and less young all the time. At work, at both jobs, my professionalism has increased. I take care of things in a timely and polite manner, and my presence in meetings is more mature than ever.

Don't get me wrong: I'm still the same fun guy. I know how to have a good time, but time and place is something that I've learned to adapt to. I like it.

Btw, I didn't really get "arrested." I had an outstanding speeding ticket, and the City Marshall took me to the court to pay it. No booking or anything crazy, but it was an interesting morning for sure.

Also, I just made plans for Spring Break. Just going to Austin to see some friends. Should be a good time. Not going til the second half of the week (the 10th of March) so hit me up about plans before that.

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