Monday, April 19, 2010


You know when you get in a mood, and you just wanna change things, and be a better person, and do things that you don't do anymore, and some things that you've never really done? You don't even know why you want to do those things, but you decide that you should, and you buy stuff to start, and then you work at it for awhile, and you begin to wonder why you're doing it, and you wonder when the "new" is gonna wear off. This is the current list of things I'm working on:

Going to class more (tough one)
Drinking less (real tough one)
Learning Spanish
Reading more
Running (getting ready for my Marathon class)
Playing piano
Being better at both of my jobs
Spending more time with my family
Making gay friends (cause the list is short)
Eating better

Yeah, like I said, it's a lot. I'm not overwhelmed by it, but I'm wondering which ones are important to me and why. Those are the things I should focus on.


  1. I posts like these Scott. It's so great to see other people trying to better themselves. It really helps keep me motivated as I try to better myself. If you're looking for a "easy" running program to get started with- you could start with a Couch to 5K program (I'm not sure what your current running abilities are).
    Good Luck on your path to be a better YOU!

  2. Perhaps it's just growing up... I think I went through something like that, too. In fact, in some ways I am still "growing" in that sense. I need more gay friends, too. We should help each other with that one. :D

    PS.... I LURVE YOU!
